Saturday 11 October 2014

18 months in the blink of an eye

Dear Pops,

This week you will turn 18 months old. One and a half years, 18 months, 78 weeks, 547 days. No matter how I say it, it just doesn't seem true.

The nine months we waited for you to arrived felt so long, but these 18 months since your birth have gone by so quickly. You are a million miles away from the newborn we met 18months ago.

You are changing, growing and learning so much everyday.

You are so talkative, so eager to use all the words you know, learning more every day, you are even starting to talk in short sentences, my favourite from Sunday being "Dadda wake up please!" .

You run everywhere, the days of crawling, cruising and walking a distant memory. You run because you are so eager for your next adventure, too caught up in the excitement that awaits you at your destination to walk there.

You are funny. You are funny when you don't mean to be. But you are funny intentionally, so happy to make others smile, so pleased for your efforts to be rewarded with a laugh.  And laugh we do, because you are cheeky and adorable and clumsy, and who could ever keep a straight face around that combination.

You know what you like. And what you don't. You love to dance, you will dance to anything or even nothing. You will dance around anyone, no hint of shyness, just full of confidence in your dancing abilities, my personal favourites are the pointy fingers and the wiggle bum.
We have just started a toddler dance group, such a lovely class. You love it, so happy to dance and interact with the other children.

You have favourite toys, favourite places and favourite people. And can confidently express your love for them all.

You are full of hugs and kisses, so excited and keen to express your love. So precious to see you run to me open armed asking for a hug and showering me with kisses.
Such an affectionate little soul.

We are so proud of you, so happy to share in your learning and progress.

You are amazing and we love you so much.

All my love

Mamma xxxx

Mums' Days

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